Dept. of Awesomeness

We throw great parties. Sometimes we like to invite others to party with us.

Those parties happen in the Dept. Of Awesomeness, because let’s face it: dancing alone is pretty amazeballs, but dancing with other like-minded people is even more awesome. Octopuses have lots of legs, soooo we can pretty much dance with anyone who wants to dance. Check out some of our moves and dancing partners.

Martellus teamed up with Pro-Kids to create a shoe for the ultimate grown-up recess. The world is your playground. Go play.

Delicious Chocolate in Your Mouth

Fine & Raw + Martellus Bennett

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World Play-Doh Day 2017

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Microsoft: NFL Stars and their Charitable Causes

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Martellus Bennett and Giphy Made a Bunch of New Gifs

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Mimobee + Martellus Bennett

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