Carolina Blue has dedicated her life to capturing fantastical creatures all over the world by using her sleuthing skills and innovative craftsmanship to track em and trap em. The girl who always has a plan A and a plan Z. She is famous for capturing many pictures of Bigfoot playing tether ball at the achool playground. She hasn’t had much luck on her quest to become the first person to capture every fantastical creature in the world. But all of that’s about to change when she discovers that there just happens to be a unicorn in her very own backyard.
Baby Blue just wants to hang out with her big sister Carolina who never seems to have time for her anymore since she dedicated her life to capturing fantastical creatures all over the globe. She is determined to show her big sister she had what it takes to join her on her quest.
Periwinkle is the coolest unicorn in the universe. He doesn’t like other unicorns because they take themselves too seriously with all the magic stuff. He just wants to relax and have a good time without all of the unicorn drama.
A whimsical comedy that follows a young adventurous girl on her quest to capture a magical black unicorn.
A laugh out loud funny story with colorful art jumping off of every page from the wondrous mind of Martellus Bennett.
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